Home      About Me

My name is Janel Weilert.  I am originally from Chicago where I was raised in an "eat everything on your plate household."  The problem was the adults dished out adult portions and we were only children.  The end result was raising a family of overweight children who struggled with the consequences into their adult lives.

For years, doctors would tell my mother and me that I suffered from a slow metabolism and so

I tried all the diets, all the gimmicks, even tried the worry rock solution, all to find myself yo-yoing up and down and up and down.  In my early 20's I lost about 110 pounds, but I did it without allowing myself a way to keep the weight off once I began to introduce foods back into my diet.  The weight came back on and brought with it extra weight.  In my late 20's/early 30's I was able to take my weight back off, but I did not take it off sensibly or in a healthy manner.

I had my daughter shortly before I turned 33 years old and put on a ton of weight during my pregnancy.  I found myself tipping the scales at nearly 230 pounds when she was born.  But with hard work and perseverance, I was able to take off all my baby weight.  I was trim until my daughter turned 18 months old.  I decided that was a good time to stop smoking.  I wasn't totally surprised when I started packing the pounds back on until I went into my doctor and she discovered I was severely hypothyroid.

Five years after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism I fell in my garage and broke my ankle  Oh joy.  I was taking a night class in the only building on campus that did not have an elevator and my class was on the second floor!  Twice a week I hobbled up those stairs and it was then I decided I needed to find a way to beat the weight battle and fight back against my thyroid.  I weighed nearly 300 pounds then.



I began to change the way I ate, how I ate, when I ate, but more importantly I began a serious journey into physical fitness.  I was born with scoliosis but was not made aware of this until I was in my early 20’s and because of this, I had done a bit of weight lifting over the years, but had never been involved in sports as a teenager or young adult so I needed to train my body.  That was 16 years and about 160 pounds ago.  During those years I spent a part of each day doing physical activity, both weight training and cardio training to not only reduce the weight, but to boost my metabolism, build stronger bones, make me more mentally alert, more energetic, and to, hopefully, save myself from osteoporosis as I entered middle life.  I was thrilled to have normal bone scans after my 50th birthday!

I have over 16 years of experience in the weight room and I can help train for strength, for power, and for endurance.        

My experience is not limited to the weight room.  I am also a certified Zumba fitness instructor, Group X instructor, and SilverSneakers Flex instructor.  I teach classes including Zumba, low impact Cardio Kickboxing, Body Sculpting, Chair Yoga/Stretch, as well as Tabata Style bootcamps.

            I am an alumnus of the National Personal Training Institute.  I am currently working on my Bachelor’s of Science degree with a major in health and fitness and a minor in nutrition.

It is my passion to be able to help other people better themselves physically.  There is nothing more satisfying than to help enable people to help themselves be all they can be physically.  I relish the opportunity to work with people, assisting and teaching them about transforming their bodies and the way they look at their bodies, to understand the human body's need for fitness and more, to understand the benefits of building good habits now before they are debilitated by osteoporosis and other ailments that could be avoided by a lifestyle change.

Let me help you change your fitness levels to be the best they can be.  Come Train With Me!